Trappe - Faith Chapel
United Methodist Churches
Contact Information
Mailing Address: |
Trappe / Faith Chapel United Methodist
PO Box 362
Trappe, MD 21673-0362
Rev. Gary L. Moore, Church Office &
Pastor's Office: |
Office Hours:
Tuesday: 10:00 am - Noon
Wednesday: 9:30 am - Noon
Thursday: 10:00 am - Noon
Church Office: (410) 476-3384
Cell phone: (410)-714-2004
e-mail: pastor@tfcumc.org
Prayer Chain:
Call (410) 822 5095 to add name
Site: (Webmaster) |
Call (410) 476-6167
e-mail: bobby@tfcumc.org
others: |
Please call the church office at (410) 476-3384
for the contact number.
Home Page
Trappe-Faith Chapel United
Methodist Church - 2014 -